the appraisal season came and went off.... leaving us with little hike.... i was not happy at alll... went to the head and talked abt it to him... he was seeing at the% hike and i was seeing at the final figure... man it was bad...
i was terribly disappointed and shaken with the pay i am finally getting... then thought that i will do great this time... thought i shall study etc etc... but at the bottom i was feeling that i m making some fundamental mistakes...
i started observing all through and now finally feel that i need to change... at small things i m getting flared up.... loosing control... started some initiatives.... they seem to work //./ but they need to work more... i m loosing control and to the end i realize that i flared up! the good thing is that i m at least realizing... previously even this didn't happen...
things seem improving but they need to really improve more... this week i m thinking to remain silent.. thinking to observe more... know how others are behaving ... reacting... may be i get some interesting ways to mitigate my problem form them...
may god bless me :)