Friday, July 2, 2010

2nd attempt: trying out google chrome

i am a fan of mozilla firefox.. i love it the most.. the extensions.. the flexibility it gives.. plugins.. speed all are so nice.. but wait! recently my office changed the proxy server.. i dont know what happend this fellow started cribbing.. for every site i need to add exception and only then i can use it.. still fine.. i still like it.. now comes another problem! My fav plugin: delicious (by yahoo) fails. On start up .. i need to add an expcetion.. and this is so painful.. it first cribs invalid certificate.. for abt 10 times.. and then allows me to add the certificate.. still mozilla is ok.. but things started irritating me.. as its mundane job every day.. 

previously i used chrome.. i liked it.. mainly for its simplicity in design.. and quickness in user response.. but wait.. google has his own problems.. its not flexible as firefox.. he gives delicious plugin but it has usablility issues... i think this is because of chromes architecture itself, i think he doesnt allow the side panel as firefox does. Also the plugins are limited.. and evenif they are available.. have usability issues (ok alreay said this still). However few plugins are gud like scribefire.. or i need not add exceptions for every simple site.. like google/ blogger/ delicious, as it happens in firefox.

now i m trying it again.. atleast i see firefox tyring to smoke me out.. lets see how it goes.

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