There are many sites explaining how to do this.. but somehow i see them incomplete and not very userful. I followed some and had to do goo experimentation on things to get this one working. So this is how i went about
Problem: I have a windows machine on which i have SQL developer. Now i need to debug a proc that resides over a solaris/ linux box (diffarent server)
Download the sql developer and create a connection
open a procedure, right click and select compile to debug
Right click on ur connection and select Remote Debug
Give the port as 8001; IP: local ip (u can get in cmd window with ipconfig command). If you see a windows firewall dialog then shut down the firewall. in run > give services.msc > opens services> right click on 'Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)' and select stop.
U will see the new debug connection under RunManager window below connections.
Now login to the target DB-machine as someUser
if it doestnt have debug previleges then login as sysdba and run the command: GRANT debug connect session, debug any procedure TO ; and then login as someUser
now run the command: exec DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP.CONNECT_TCP('ur ip',8001);This should complete with no errors.
put a debug point in the sql developer (click on the left white column and u will see a red dot)
now click on the lady bug and the debugging starts.
i am not sure how to do a remote debug when a java process calls this procedure. Any ideas... please share with me.
The NUMBER datatype stores zero as well as positive and negative fixed numbers with absolute values from 1.0 x 10-130 to (but not including) 1.0 x 10126
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Retrieval operations (including get) generally do not block, so may overlap with update operations (including put and remove). Retrievals reflect the results of the most recently completed update operations holding upon their onset
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
By definition, Spring cannot manage the complete lifecycle of a non-singleton/prototype bean, since after it is created, it is given to the client and the container does not keep track of it at all any longer.
Unconditional log groups log the before images of specified columns when the table is changed, regardless of whether the change affected any of the specified columns. Unconditional log groups are sometimes referred to as "always log groups." Conditional log groups log the before images of all specified columns only if at least one of the columns in the log group is changed.
is the entire column of table stored/ only the respective row?? - post by ravi_eze
Oracle recommends that you use a nonzero wait time for the first dequeue call on a queue in a session, and then use a zero wait time with the NEXT_MESSAGE navigation option for subsequent dequeue calls.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Also, you can modify an LCR using an apply handler or a rule-based transformation. You can modify both LCRs captured by a capture process and LCRs constructed and enqueued by a user or application.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
* Jone's Motto: Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.
* Terman's Law of Innovation: If you want a team to win the high jump, you find one person who can jump seven feet, not seven people who can jump one foot each.
* O'brien's Variation: If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now.
* Conway's Law: In any organization there will always be one person who knows what is going on. This person must be fired.
* The Peter Principle: In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. Work is accomplished by those employees who have not reached their level of incompetence.
* H.L.Mencken's Law: Those who can, do. Those who cannot teach.
* Martin's Extension: Those who can't teach, administer
* Belani's Extrapolation: Those who cannot even administer, become consultants.
* Lieberman's Law: Everbody lies; but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.
* Kovac's Conundrum: When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one.
* Van Herpen's Law: The solving of the problem lies in finding the solvers.
* Murphy's Law of Government: If anything can go wrong, it will do so in triplicate.
* Bell's Theorem: When the body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.
* Ruby's Principle of Close Encounters: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
* Young's Law: Great discoveries are made by mistake.
* Kin Hubbard: A good listener is usually thinking about something else
* One Anonymous Great Seer's Law : Money can't buy love, but it sure gets you a great bargaining position.
Transformations are exported with a schema or a full database export. If an AQ table is exported the transformation corresponding to the queue table will also be exported.
Specifies a transformation that will be applied when this subscriber dequeues the message. The source type of the transformation must match the type of the queue. If the subscriber is remote, then the transformation is applied before propagation to the remote queue. - post by ravi_eze
When the Messaging Gateway agent processes a propagation job, it dequeues messages from the source queue and enqueues the messages to the destination queue.
Click on the img below to view the quotes clearly. This is one of my fav wallpapers which i deleted accidentally long back, today i got it as an attachment in an e-mail...
This is a hot topic on the media thesedays. Out of what i understand the following are the significant points.
US would be supplying Uranium to us till its wish or all commercial reactors are under its surveillance & not being used for weapon research
The Singhbhum district (Bihar), West Khasi hills (Meghalaya), the Bhima Basin area (Gulbarga district of Karnataka), and the Yellapur- Peddagattu area of Nalgonda district (Andhra Pradesh)has good amount of uranium reserves to feed the reactors
All 17 working civilian nuclear reactors have been operating at less than 40% of their rated capacity(as said by S K Jain, managing director of the Nuclear Power Corporation)
So it means that we donot have enough tech to get the required raw material to feed the industry. Note: that US will not supply critical tech during its support.
Now we cannot proceed on weapons during this support.
So, is it worth to substitute the national security (though we are stable now) for nuclear prog?
Other points:
US cannot use its nuclear technology for itself as no state is ready to take the nuclear wastes.
So it seems like what its going to get with this deal??? I think media and political parties should see this side.
An extension of JSON called JSONP (well explained here ) is also available but its utility remails to the extent of json response or in otherwords the server can send values of variables etc but not an entire html content (this is also possible but takes too much of server side manipulation more complex than URL connection ;) ).
When surfing the net got a perarl script which if installed in apache would do the same thing. Its more criptic written in regular expressions. THe author recomends taking support for it.
At times we need to integrate pages from two/ more domains into a single page. Consider for example the case where the content management (cms) happens by a 3rd party in a specific domain and say we have our page which belongs to some other domain and we want to include this cms functionality into our page. One common way of sloving this is by including the content management service (cms) using an iFrame and let this included page and the parent page communicate via backend server communications. This has problems: the iframe (cms) is of some other web domain not belonging to the parent page's domain... this makes cms javascripts in-accessible i.e. the colour component/ calendar component doestnt work fine. IE throws Access Denied ; mozilla doesnt execute anything... it just ignores this cross domain js.
This seem to make some sence: as they are cross domain pages... it's more logical taht they remain independent. Then how do we solve this issue?
There is a way:
1. From a webserver make a URL call to the 2nd webserver using a JSP/ servlet
2. Let the user send his required parametrs as a request to the 1st webserver.
3. This webserver inturn would call the 2nd webserver, gets the data, processes internal urls (like
i.e. we will write a glue code on a JSP/ Servlet of webserver1 and the client makes all his calls to this as if the webserver 1 is doing all the work; which inturn pulls the content from the webserver 2.
Example: I implemented this and found it working. Excepth that i need to implement the cookies which i would do soon. The example is as follows;
Now the broker which is a glue code: this is the one which takes the calls from the the jsp, resolves it and makes a new connection to the server in diff domain. The masterUrl and masterContext refers to the newDomain servers URL & context. THe master context is the one which would be replaced with brokerUrl and brokar param. The workign is as follows:
1. The 3rd party server has all the urls starting with masterContext (adm say)
2. The broker page replaces this (generateUrl()) assignes it to param:brokerParam and constructs a new url so that when this page is submitted it comes to broker page.
3. On receiving at the broker page by using brokerParam the 3rd party url is resolved, a new connection is made, and response is sent back.