Thursday, November 4, 2010

Appearance are deceptive

Every divali the office gives out sweets to the employees. This is customary in india as divali is considered one of the main festivals... the festival of lights. But i see a pattern.. through out my career the employers give sweets..  only from almond house.. and they never taste good... when enquired the HR tells they spent abt 500 Rs on each packet.... so what? read on..


Pina pataram lona lotaram.. aka appearance are deceptive 
(all these from my cell phone camera)

Its fine great and fabulous till u have them... and then... the sweets remain at home un-consumed/ un-touched for the next 1 month.

One thing i dont understand .. how is it that every time they only go to almond house.. as if we dont have any other sweet shops at hyderabad... and how is it always a co-incidence that these sweets never taste good.... yet we get only to them. Give me 100 Rs and i can buy you the sweets which u'll empty with in 5 minutes of opening/ tasting which ever comes earlier.

Have u had a similar experience????

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